Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Wow it's already June.

It's really been a difficult time for gardening but the beans are up!

 How about these cabbages?

 Tomatoes are looking good too.
Still need to make three more cages for support
I use concrete reinforcement that I cut and join to make the cages.  It's inexpensive and strong,  Holds up well even in the wind.  I do place 4' fence posts in the ground by each tomato and then attach to the cages with zip ties.

Compost anyone?
We have two compost bins in the center of the garden so it is easy to  throw garden waste in from almost any area.
As the season progresses I will add large bins along the outer edges to hold grass and leaves that hopefully will come from church members and friends.  I want to avoid the early grass and yard waste that may have harmful sprays.    

As the produce becomes available we will keep a simple record of the amount..  Something like the number of ice cream buckets of beans, tomatoes, peppers etc.

Not much to do now except to wait for the sun to heat up the earth and get the growth going.  

If anyone is available to give Jim Matteson a hand in putting up the rain gutters please give him a call.  I'm gone for the next week and we need to get this done so we can capture the rain run-off in the rain barrels.

Later  Char