Thursday, May 16, 2013

The plants are in and it is supposed to rain.  How's that for timing?
This afternoon some of the kids came out and helped plant beans.  They also helped put the flags on the deer fence so both deer and people don't walk into it.
Lynn and I will be gone until the day after Memorial Day.  Looks like nature will take care of the watering while we are gone and if not Jane D. will check and water if needed.
Stop buy and check out the garden if you have the time.
Enjoy the holiday

Saturday, May 11, 2013

HERE IT IS!!  Pastor Deb this one's for you.  Thanks for the jump start
Sorry for the delay in posting but the following pics will tell the story.
Here's what we started with on 4-26-2013
Just visible are the temporary stakes to mark the corners
The next day I did a more accurate measuring and squared up the area. 

That same day I saw what Jim Matteson had been working on,
Here's what happens when you let Jim play with his power tools.
/What was once a bunch of 2X12 boards is now starting to be raised beds for the garden.

By May 4 this is what had happened to all that wood.
There are eight bins that are 4'X8' and two 4'X4' bins.

On May 5 Jerry and Ginny Whitrock brought their dump 
trailer filled with mixed compost, dirt, and horse manure.
Lynn Russ, the Whitrock's and I filled the raised beds.

Lynn and Jim taking a break from sun and heat.  
YES IT WAS HOT but that was several days ago!!

The following day May 6 once again Whitrock's came to our 
rescue and transported 6 yards of mulch which Lynn and I spread.
Sure is soft underfoot now

 WOAH Jim you're scaring off the volunteers.
Putting up the deer fence are Jim, Chris, and Juan.
The gate made by Donna Sandon is just visible in 
lower right corner. The double compost bin is visible in left center.

The fence posts go in!!

Lynn has the fencing well in hand

Chris putting the zip ties on the fencing.
After finishing that task he muscled unused Kasota stone into place around the outside to help keep small animals out and make mowing the border easier on the Wear's.

The fence is up, the gate is on and functions well and even the compost bins are put together in the center.
There is some small detail still needing to be done.  Once the coming cold of the next two nights is over the planting begins.  Hopefully Monday.  I may just put in something tomorrow - Mother's Day.  I think that might be rather appropriate to start life on that day.

As more things happen I will be better at posting but will be off line from May 18 through Memorial Day.
Donations for plants is around $300.  That will be a nice start for next year.  If you are interested in organic plants for your garden for next year let me know what you are interested in.  It would be nice not to have to guess what others might want.

Till next time.  Char L

Thursday, May 2, 2013


I've been filling orders and planting continues.  The cucumbers, squash, melons and pumpkins are now done.

The last two days have been preparing for another round of nasty weather.  finally gave up and brought all plants not in the cold frame back inside.  It's time to clean up after that move and make sure all orders are filled

IF YOU'RE THINKING OF GETTING PLANTS LET ME KNOW ASAP.  I will be putting availability on Craig s list this weekend.

Hope to get some more pics and info posted tonight so until then stay warm and hopeful.